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Rosh Maternal & Fetal Medicine: Women's Health Blog

What Is Replacement Level Fertility?

What Is Replacement Level Fertility?

Replacement level fertility is a term used in demography to refer to the average number of children...

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Understanding Eye Twitching During Pregnancy

Understanding Eye Twitching During Pregnancy

Experiencing eye twitching during pregnancy can be a peculiar yet common phenomenon for many...

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Treatments For Eye Twitching In Pregnant Women

Treatments For Eye Twitching In Pregnant Women

Experiencing eye twitching during pregnancy can be both annoying and worrying. This involuntary...

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Navigating Concerns: Understanding Bleeding At 12 Weeks Pregnant

Navigating Concerns: Understanding Bleeding At 12 Weeks Pregnant

Experiencing bleeding at 12 weeks pregnant can be alarming for expectant mothers. It's a critical...

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Missed Period And Ovarian Cyst: Unraveling The Connection

Missed Period And Ovarian Cyst: Unraveling The Connection

Experiencing a missed period can be a source of anxiety and confusion for many women. While there...

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How To Boost Fertility In Your 30s

How To Boost Fertility In Your 30s

Navigating fertility in your 30s can seem daunting, but it is entirely possible to enhance your...

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How Long Can A Cyst Delay Your Period?

How Long Can A Cyst Delay Your Period?

Many women experience irregular menstrual cycles at some point in their lives, often wondering if an...

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How Hormones And The Menstrual Cycle Affect Your Mood

How Hormones And The Menstrual Cycle Affect Your Mood

The interplay between menstrual cycle hormones mood is a complex and fascinating aspect of women's...

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Empowering Parenthood: A Guide To Prenatal Education For Expectant Parents

Empowering Parenthood: A Guide To Prenatal Education For Expectant Parents

The journey toward parenthood is one filled with anticipation, excitement, and, understandably, a...

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Do You Need To Have A Pap Smear If You Are A Virgin?

Do You Need To Have A Pap Smear If You Are A Virgin?

Navigating the world of women's health can sometimes feel complex and filled with questions,...

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Are Fraternal Twins More Common?

Are Fraternal Twins More Common?

In exploring the wonders of childbirth, one fascinating aspect that captivates many is the...

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How Does Advanced Ultrasound Technology Improved Patient Outcomes?

Advanced Ultrasound Technology


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Can You Drink Wine While Pregnant?

The Sobering Truth: The Impact of Alcohol on Pregnant Women and Their Unborn Babies


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Over The Counter Birth Control: Easier Access, but Right Choices?

Is over-the-counter BC the right form of contraception for you?


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New OBGYN MFM office in Williamsburg

Williamsburg Office


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New Great Neck Office for OBGYN Care

Rosh MFM is proud to announce the opening of its newest location in Great Neck, NY, specializing in...

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Choosing Between Fresh vs. Frozen Donor Eggs

When it comes to IVF (in vitro fertilization), you have a choice of...

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What Is The IVF Journey?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a series of medical steps that help...

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What Is Secondary Infertility?

Nothing can cause a more emotive response from a parent than...

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Picking a Fertility Clinic

What Fertility Dr should I Chose

Choosing a fertility clinic is an essential step when it comes to...

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How To Treat Ovarian Cysts

The ovaries are located in the lower abdomen on both sides of the...

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Irregular Period Treatments

A menstrual cycle is considered to start from the first day of a...

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What Causes Recurrent Miscarriages?

Recurrent miscarriages can be disheartening. Oftentimes, women are...

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Should I Get An IUD?

What Are IUDs and How Do They Work?


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What Happens During A Pap Smear?

A pap smear or pap test is a screening tool important that helps...

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How Much Bleeding During Pregnancy Is Normal?

Contrary to how it may seem, bleeding during pregnancy is actually...

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Can Fibroids Shrink On Their Own?

If you find yourself experiencing intense cramps, heavy periods, and...

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Can Endometriosis Delay Your Period?

Endometriosis Pain

What is Endometriosis?


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How Common Are Twins?

prenatal care services

It’s very common to hear that twins ‘run in the family’. That...

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What Can I Do About Ovarian Cysts?

abdominal pain

Most women are born with two almond shaped ovaries on each side of...

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Am I Having A Miscarriage?

lower abdominal pain

Being able to tell what’s going on during the first trimester is...

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What To Do Before An OBGYN Appointment?

reproductive health

The average healthy woman should visit her gynecologist at least...

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Getting Pregnant Over 35: Risks, Tips, and What to Expect

rosh family planning and birth control

If you’re considering pregnancy after the age of 35, you’re in...

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5 Do’s and Don’ts following a Cesarean Section (C-Section)

A cesarean delivery, otherwise known as a C-section, is a surgery...

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Can You Get Pregnant With PCOS?

tips for pregnancy in the summer

One of the most common hormone disorders and causes of female...

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10 Potential Signs of Infertility You Shouldn’t Ignore

abdominal pain

Infertility Symptoms To Look Out For ...

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What Are The Risk Concerns for Diabetes and Pregnancy?

maintaining healthy diet to manage diabetes and pregnancy

To give some context for this article, it’s important to...

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5 Tips for Managing Your Weight During Pregnancy

pregnant woman exercising to manage weight during pregnancy

Pregnancy isn’t only about managing a healthy weight but also...

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How to Instantly Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

happy couple after woman increased chances of getting pregnant

There are a lot of things that could make getting pregnant a little...

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Dr. Rachel Villanueva Inducted as NMA President

dr villanueva national medical association

Rosh MFM is excited to announce that our very own Dr. Rachel...

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Prenatal Care: When Should I Get Genetic Testing?

pregnant woman in a genetic testing consultation with doctor

Our genetics influence a baby’s development. This could be the...

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Should Pregnant Mothers Eat an Organic Diet?

pregnant woman happy eating organic foods on an organic diet

It happened! You’re pregnant! Now, what do you do? What do you...

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What You Need To Know About Your Baby’s Development

baby's development

The first step in pregnancy is fertilization. This is the union of...

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Early Pregnancy Signs: How Do I Know If I’m Pregnant?

early pregnancy couple holding stomach

If you’re wondering whether or not you’re pregnant, or would just like to do some preliminary...

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Things You Need To Know About Postpartum Birth Control

birth control

When we think about birth control, we think about avoiding pregnancy...

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The Treatment Survival Guide To Infertility


Infertility can be a scary word and we mostly associate it with...

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The Critical Role Exercise Plays In Postpartum Health

postpartum exercise

When you become a new mom, the last thing on your mind is exercise....

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The Best Pregnancy Advice You’re Not Taking

pregnancy advice

We always hear about what pregnancy should look like and the...

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Tips To Help You Manage Anxiety About Childbirth


Initially you were thrilled to see you got a positive result on your...

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FAQs About Morning Sickness

morning sickness

When it comes to pregnancy, women experience a variety of symptoms....

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The Difference Between IBS, Endometriosis, and Painful Periods

lower abdominal pain

Determining pain in your pelvic area can be very difficult to...

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How To Take Control Of Your Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks during pregnancy. Commonly known as stretch marks, or...

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The Truth About Hysterectomies That Every Woman Should Know


Hysterectomies can be utilized in many ways for all kinds of...

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How To Identify Signs Of True Labor

true labor

This might be an odd question but what is labor? I mean, it is the...

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What To Do When Dealing With Ovarian Cysts

ovarian cysts

Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with ovarian cysts or maybe you’re...

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COVID-19 Vaccine Effects On Pregnancy

pregnant woman receiving covid-19 vaccine

There is no question about it. A woman’s time of pregnancy is one...

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Tactics To Reduce Menopause Symptoms Naturally

menopause symptoms

Menopause is natural and unfortunately so are some of the menopause...

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How Stress Can Be Detrimental For Your Hormones


Feeling slightly stressed is pretty normal and can be managed...

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Why You Should Care About Pelvic Pain

pelvic pain

Pain in your lower stomach or abdomen can be anywhere in between...

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Odd Ways Your Menstrual Cycle Changes You

menstrual cycle

Most women know when their period is on its way. Not by physical...

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Does Endometriosis Cause Infertility In Women?

endometriosis and infertility

Endometriosis. A condition that affects 11% of women in the United...

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Tips For Traveling While Pregnant

traveling while pregnant

Most pregnancies last about 10 months on average, and it’s not...

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7 Common Reasons For Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

pregnancy loss

What is recurrent pregnancy loss? Recurrent pregnancy loss or...

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Benefits Of Exercising While Pregnant: Momma Edition

exercising while pregnant

You’re pregnant. Your body is not the body you used to recognize....

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Prenatal Care: The Importance Of Prenatal Education

prenatal care

Prenatal care is relevant for all pregnancies, whether it be your...

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10 Healthy Snacks for Pregnancy Cravings

healthy snack to eat during pregnancy

When you first find out that you’re pregnant, there are probably a...

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Common Sources Of Abdominal Pain In Women

abdominal pain

Lower abdominal pain in women is normally referring to discomfort,...

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Not Pregnant? 10 Reasons For Your Missed Period

missed period

No period? Sounds kind of nice. Less worry, less planning, and a...

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5 Do’s and Dont’s During a High Risk Pregnancy

woman with pregnancy holding stomach

There is always a lot of concern amongst newly pregnant women as to...

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Screenings: Maintaining Health For Women At Every Age


When it comes to health, women have a lot more checkmarks to check...

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Safety tips for a high-risk pregnancy

safety tips for high-risk pregnancy

No woman wants to be told her pregnancy is high-risk but complications can occur. There’s always a...

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Reproductive Health Issues That Need To Be Addressed In 2021

reproductive health

In 2021, discussing relevant and new topics on reproductive issues...

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The Benefits Of Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is the action of feeding your baby breast milk...

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Pro Tips For The Best Vaginal Health

vaginal health

The vagina has its own agenda. Maybe you’ve noticed. It could be...

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Can Fibroids Affect My Pregnancy?

fibroids during pregnancy

Fibroids are small - normally benign - tumors that grow from the...

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What Causes Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID is an infection that affects the...

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Basic Tips To Help Prepare For Labor And Delivery

labor and delivery

You’ve made a baby! That was the easy, exciting, and fun...

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What’s The Difference Between Obstetrics and Gynecology?

obstetrics and gynecology

Many women refer to a general profession in reproduction and...

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Who Should Get A Pap Smear?

pap smear

A pap smear, also referred to as a pap test or cervical smear is a...

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Advanced Maternal Age: All About Pregnancy at Age 35+

advanced maternal age

Women who get pregnant after the age of 35 are referred to as...

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Common Signs And Symptoms Of A Miscarriage

symptoms of a miscarriage

A pregnancy that ends on its own spontaneously within the first 20...

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Top Common Gynecological Issues For Women

gynecological issues

Women go through a lot of changes during the course of their lives...

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7 Tricks For Managing Heavy Periods

heavy periods

Getting your period every month is not always convenient, but it...

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Top 3 Myths About Ovarian Cysts


There can be a lot of misinformation out there that can result in...

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4 Saftey Tips For Managing High-Risk Pregnancy

prenatal care

There aren’t many moments in life that can match up to the elation...

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What To Expect With IUD Placement

iud placement

For most intrauterine devices like IUDs, women have them inserted...

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Fibroids, What Are They?


Women who experience PMS may be experiencing more than what can be...

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Why Prenatal Care Is Necessary

prenatal care

Help keep you and your baby healthy by scheduling prenatal care...

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Top 5 Questions To Ask Your OB/GYN


Doctor’s appointments can always be awkward or be a cause for...

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The Top Signs Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

polycystic ovarian syndrome

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a health problem that affects...

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5 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

healthy pregnancy

Doctors talk a lot about the risks of pregnancy. Which can be...

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5 Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Painful

painful periods

Most women complain about menstrual pains. Some, a dull aching and...

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Why Cervical Cancer Screening Is Important

cervical cancer screening

There are already so many reasons to visit a doctor. Whether it be...

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What Is A Maternal & Fetal Medicine Specialist?

maternal and fetal medicine

A Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist, also known as a...

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Why You Should Ask Your OB GYN About Menopause Care


When should you ask about menopause care? Normally between the ages...

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The Facts About Gynecological Ultrasound Exams

ultrasound exams

What are gynecological ultrasound exams used for? How do they work?...

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Causes and Treatment for Recurrent Miscarriages

treatment for recurrent miscarriages

Treatment for recurrent miscarriages can be a difficult conversation...

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Common Causes for Abdominal Pain in Women

cause for abdominal pain in women

Abdominal pain in women is a fairly common condition. A condition...

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IUD Placement for Birth Control: All You Need To Know

iud for birth control

An IUD for birth control, or intrauterine device, is a T-shaped...

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Annual Gynecologic Exam: Best Ways To Protect A Woman’s Health

Annual Gynecologic Exam

Although the annual gynecologic exam recommendations continue to...

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Possible Causes of Pelvic Pain & Inflammation

causes for pelvic pain and inflammation

There are many possible causes of pelvic pain and inflammation....

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Understand High Risk Pregnancy

rosh high risk pregnancy factors

What are some high risk pregnancy factors? What does the term...

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Excessive Bleeding During Your Period

excessive bleeding during your period

Nearly every woman experiences monthly menstrual cycles during her childbearing years. For most...

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When Do Ovarian Cysts Require Medical Attention?

rosh ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are small sacs that form in your ovaries when an egg-producing follicle in an ovary...

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9 Tips for Surviving Pregnancy During the Summer in New York

tips for pregnancy in the summer

You don’t have to be a meteorologist to know that this summer, like every summer in New York, is...

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Bleeding During Pregnancy: What’s Normal and What’s Not

bleeding during pregnancy

Most expectant moms would agree that not having to deal with a regular menstrual cycle is one of the...

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Potential Signs of Ovarian Cancer You Should Never Ignore

signs of ovarian cancer

One in 78 women gets ovarian cancer. The good news is that 90% of women have a five-year survival...

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Experts Explain What You Need to Know About Recurring Miscarriages

rosh recurring miscarriages

Losing a pregnancy to miscarriage is heartbreaking and more common than you likely realize. About 10...

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Most common causes of pelvic pain

common causes of pelvic pain

Nearly 15% of women have suffered ongoing pelvic pain at some point in their lives. It can be a...

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Ready to schedule? Book your appointment now

We specialize in high-risk pregnancy.

We work to minimize complications and help you achieve the healthiest pregnancy possible.